Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! (2012 edition)

Hello to 2012! As I sit here this morning, it's the start of lots of things: another week, another month, and yes, another year. Hard to believe that 2011 is finished and sitting on the bookshelf of life, isn't it?

As always, I resolve to do better with this blog. (Yes, I know you've read that before - several times!) Now that I've been proofreading for Astraea Press, an e-publisher, I realize the importance of a good blog, and part of a "good blog" is getting it updated every day. Which means even if I do nothing more than put a small paragraph on paper (so to speak), that's what I need to do. That and spread the word that "Novel News" exists!

Besides being a better blogger, I resolve to really knuckle down and take care of myself this year. "They" recommend setting concrete goals, so here goes: I resolve to exercise at least 3 times/week. I resolve to lose 12 pounds in 2012 (corny, but it's concrete!). I resolve to eat dessert only once a week and really watch my sugar intake the rest of the time (not as concrete as it should be, but I'm trying) in the hopes that my cholesterol levels will improve. And I resolve to take more vacation days from my day-job! I am on my 9th day of a 10-day break, and it's proven to me just how much I need to recharge the old batteries. So yeah, more vacation days, even if it's just long weekends.

Finally, my reading goal. 2011 wasn't too bad, once I realized I could/should count all the manuscripts I proofed for AP! I mean, I did read them while looking for errors, right? I finished out the year with 92 books read, which finally broke my couple-years-running total of 86. I really, really want to reach that magic 100 books in 2012, so fingers crossed!

I sincerely hope that this new year brings you good luck in every way. Let me know what sort of things you'd like to see here in this blog, and I will do my best to oblige!


Wendy said...

I would like to see a daily blog update that includes how the books you're reading make you feel and relate them to your life. I'd like you to eat MORE sugar so you can stay up later than 8pm to work on your blog, and I'd like you to spend your vacation days in, oh, I don't know, Indiana???

Traci (aka the Bookbabe) said...

I've thought about giving your first suggestion, so good to see you mention it! It would give you, the reader, more insight into my reading habits - and I'd still do a final review of the book. Um, I'm trying to hit the blog in the morning just like all my email/social networks/etc so that I keep up with the "daily" part. As for the vacation, yes, I know, Indiana is high on your list! Not sure if we'll make it in 2012, but we are starting to talk about a trip to Hoosierland. Hope springs eternal!