Monday, April 19, 2010

My life lately...

Well, as I'm sure you've guessed, it's been on the busy side. I finally managed to get all the planning done for Summer Reading 2010, no easy task in my book. I've been working with lists, lists, lists for our library system's ordering group, all with deadlines, until I've been certain that my eyes have permanently crossed. All while doing the usual day-to-day library business.

And then yesterday we learned that my husband's Uncle Jack passed away. He'd been sick for about a month, most likely congestive heart failure, but we really didn't think it would happen this soon. The good news is that he had just turned 79 in January and had survived three heart attacks and a stroke; as my hubby pointed out, he probably had 30 some years on this Earth that he shouldn't have had. I know Jeff is upset, as am I, but I know we're both glad that he went the way he did - at home with his wife of 50+ years sitting by his side, holding his hand, in his sleep. Very peaceful, can't ask for anything more.

So I'm not in the best of moods when I come in this morning and check my posts for comments, of which there is one, in Chinese again, directing people to yet another porn site. Glad I finally learned how to copy and paste in the Google Translator, and how to "trash" the offending post. So....... I have decided to be a blue meanie and make y'all get my express approval before your comments will be posted. Sorry, but I can't risk someone having a flame-out on their PC because they tried to read the comment. How and why this (or these - I'm not entirely sure) "commentors" feel the need to insert such crap is beyond me, but that's just the way it's going to have to be. Rest assured - if you're a real person with something real to say, you'll get your comment approved. I don't mind posting stuff that I don't necessarily agree with, but I will no longer post links to who-knows-what.

In weather related news, North Carolina will be experiencing the season known as spring after all. YAY! We were so cold for so long, then suddenly had a hot spell, temps near 90, etc. Luckily we have returned to more "normal" temps, which is nice. What is not so nice is the pollen! Evidently the extreme cold kept some of our trees from blooming when they normally do, leading them to bloom at the same time as everything else. So there's a lovely coating of yellowish-green dust on every conceivable surface of our cars, our apartment, etc. And my nose has just gone haywire, leading me to take one of the lovely little white pills each and every morning without fail. Oh well, price we pay for living in the South - stuffy noses, but no snow to shovel!

And that's pretty much it, folks. Thanks for sticking with me and the blog, and I'll try to carve out some time more often to keep you informed on all that is literary. See ya!

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