Friday, May 25, 2007

"For a Few Demons More" by Kim Harrison

I'm going to do something a bit different this time around. This review will really be for those who have been keeping up with the Rachel Morgan series by Harrison, primarily because trying to read and "get" this book without reading the first four just won't work. Sorry, but this is one of those series that you really, really need to start at the beginning and work your way to the most recent installment. There are too many characters and too much history between said characters to jump in here with "Demons".

I liked this book, but I have to tell you, it was hard to get through. My main concern was the relationship between Ivy and Rachel; the previous book had me thinking that maybe Rachel was going to give in totally and find the blood balance with Ivy that both of them want, even though that would mean having sex with Ivy. Sorry, but I really don't want Rachel going down that road, and no, not because I have anything against same-sex relationships (see my reviews of the two Josh Lanyon books, folks, if you don't believe me!) I understand why Rachel has been hesitant about the whole thing, and rightfully so - sure, it might be great at the time, but she would always have to wonder if she was doing it because she really wanted to or because she was "under the influence", so to speak. Who wants that?

Luckily, my worries were eased somewhat on that front. But you could see the bad stuff just coming down the proverbial pike, and so I still kept putting the book down. I like Rachel, I love Jenks, and I am starting to warm towards Ivy, so I didn't want to see anything bad happen to them. This time around, it does. I won't say anything more, mostly because I'm still not entirely sure I believe it myself. I should, but hey - it's hard to know what's real in Harrison's world sometimes.

There's a lot of action in this volume, and it can be easy to forget where the plot lines were headed. Good news is that Harrison did not sacrifice her character development to pack in that action, thus we have an almost 500 page book. And in hardback, no less! That should be a good sign for us Harrison fans, as well as the author blurb on the inside jacket, which tells us that Kim is working hard on the next Rachel book.

I'm anxious to see how it goes in the next one. I, for one, am now hopeful about the Ivy/Rachel situation; I can't say why, but I think we may see Ivy change her tune a bit. At least, that's what I hope. I could be wrong!

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